Can’t we all just get along and agree to the same things? No, we cannot. If anyone spout these lines of submission just think that they want you to be a wimp to play into their every command. One of the worst ways to operate in this world is by having a group think mentality. Groupthink is bad because one person can lead a country down the wrong path because everyone around him agrees with his delusions and thoughts of grandeur, ahem Donald Trump. This example above is on a broad scale. A smaller, more universal scale would be school. White supremacy controls the current education system. Don't believe me? Who is a godfather of math, science, language, medicine? If Imhotep does not cross your mind, then you are a product of white supremacy. Please do not ascribe to that movie based version of Imhotep either, that version is an insult to who the man represented. 
Consider which racial group appears to be better than other racial groups. In these schools that have a strong European influence across the globe, many should feel privileged to learn the excellent history of Europeans and how they civilized the world. Not only is the world more civilized, but we also have better people due to religion. Oh, I will not delve into religion because that realm is laden with so much group thinking that slight descent has caused death and destruction.  

Curiosity is in every human from birth. We know this because our African ancestors traveled the globe, the proof can be seen with bones found, carvings leaving messages, similar practices, and monuments erected. As children, we discover things daily and always ask questions because we want to know. But in school, we are told to stop asking so many questions from the people who are supposed to teach us. We have experienced others telling someone to stop asking questions and have taken on this thinking as well so that we either repeat the same lines or we think that the person needs to shut up (at least I know I have thought it). Who has not heard that one should mind their own business? With the education one learns in school, does it truly help you in the real world? Yes and No, in most cases No. I used to lament on some of the aspects of math that I did not need to know, then discovered that the math I learned taught was not sufficient due to my geography of being in a predominantly black country. Math is utterly relevant because of its importance to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). 

After reading The Mis-education of the Negro by Carter Godwin Woodson, Ph.D, it made me wonder how many black people around the globe have a lack of education because of their color and geographical location. I may be going overboard with my prediction and attempt to gain sympathy for myself, after all in Trinidad and Tobago we are told that we receive the ‘English Education.’ My issue could have been not paying much attention to math because my classmates did not care about math either. Also, I did not bother to learn how the English language work and to this day I need help to proofread my essays. There are hardly any teachers who can say I am not a brilliant student, but I do not aspire to my greatness with course work instead I put about 50%. I should have stellar marks for all classes, yet I slide by in many cases. 

Why is this happening to me and many others? The affinity to be mediocre could stem from not wanting to be the best in school and a culture of being teased for receiving high marks. Could be from being teased if one became the teacher’s pet. Bullying for receiving praise or awards for achievements. Lauded by elders for doing such a good job just to be ridiculed by one's peers. I know for a fact that this remains a part of my psyche to this day. Avoiding the limelight was partially necessary to me from my start of school till I finished high school because I have an older brother who instructed me to do as such. Humans have a need to be seen and acknowledged. My brother tried to quell my shine, but there are parts of me that came through regardless. For college, wanting to avoid being seen enhances for some more than others. Attending college has taught me that networking is needed to succeed. One needs to be a teacher’s pet to gain good grades and recommendations. One needs to make excellent grades to earn scholarships. One needs to do a good job all the time to be often recognized and celebrated to succeed in life. One needs to know one's available networks to utilize the college experience and build on it after graduation. One needs to create a stellar resume to attain a good job. 

Jobs smh. Another form of Groupthink that squelches the mind. Let us start with the fact that schools are the breeding ground of stomping on a person's innovative spirit. If I want to try an experiment, I would most likely be told not to do that because it will be wrong. Sounds so much like religion also, I digress. One learns to follow the rules in school, then go to work and follow the rules again. A lifetime of following the rules, no wonder people go crazy. 

Arlette Alexis
United States of America

Views expressed are that of the writer and does not represent the views of the The New African Pages Blog


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